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Own your Poetry Pamphlet now!














Verse of Silence Presents Poetry in Pamphlets


Poetry in Pamphlets is a Verse of Silence initiative that intends to provide writers across India a platform to showcase their creativity through poetry. This is an online poetry competition which recognizes and focuses on creating a pool of passionate poets and poems into an e-poetry pamphlet each year. So this 2019, we begin with our mission to frame your beautiful poems into pamphlets. Contest ends tentatively on 20th July 2019.


About the Judge:


Akhil Katyal's second book of poems How Many Countries Does the Indus Cross won the Editor's Choice Award from the Great Indian Poetry Collective. He has translated Ravish Kumar's Ishnq Mein Shahar Hona as a City Happens in Love for Speaking Tiger. He was the international Writing Fellow at the University of Iowa in Fall 2016. With co-editor Aditi Angrias, he is currently editing The World That Belongs to Us: An Anthology of Queer Poetry from Soiuth Asia for HarperCollins India. He teaches Creative Writing at Ambedkar University, Delhi.

Guidelines for Submission:

1. Your poem must be in English which may include a few words from other languages.
2. Your poem must be original and should have not been published elsewhere including your own personal social media accounts.
3. Your poem should be a minimum of 10 lines and should not exceed 50 lines.
4. There is no restriction on theme.
5. Your poem will only be considered once the submission fee is paid.
6. No entries will be accepted once the deadline is over.




1. Top 25 selected entries get published in the poetry pamphlet created by Verse of Silence.

2. The custom made e-poetry pamphelts will be available digitally.
3. Top 2 poems win 3k and 2k INR respectively, winner’s certificates, a copy of Akhil Katyal's How Many Countries Does the Indus Cross, and they will be featured in the next issue of the Verse of Silence Magazine.




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